Digital report booklet

Digitize and simplify your trainees' report booklets

Classroom Manager’s electronic report booklet makes your training contemporary & digital – for companies, trainers and trainees.

Companies worldwide rely on our software solutions


Write entries directly on your PC, tablet or smartphone

Our online report booklet is completely responsive. This means that it can be used by trainees and trainers on all end devices.

Easy exchange

Simple cooperation between trainee & trainer

Your trainee sends the report booklet to the responsible trainer with one click. They can view it immediately and, if necessary, send it back with feedback for revision.


Print out or submit as PDF to the IHK

With the built-in print & export function, you can easily print out the report booklets or export them in PDF format.

Companies worldwide rely on our software solutions

With the Classroom Manager, you are taking an important step in the digitalization of your training company.

Discover more features of Classroom Manager

Student Page

Overview of key figures


Overview of training

Project tasks

Templates for project tasks


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