
A central platform for all websites

Reach your customers and partners with a target group-specific design.

Become part of the revolution

Multi-client capable

Target group-specific appearance

Do you have different brands or want to present yourself differently internally and externally? With hiveQ, you can do all of this directly on one platform. You can easily manage all content without any further administration effort.


Even more possibilities

You can also use the various interfaces to connect hiveQ directly to your CRM or identity management and benefit even more. Users, customers or entire companies are automatically created and kept up to date without you having to do anything.


You decide who sees what

You have complete control over which users can see content. This means you can easily create participants who have visibility via different mandates or, for example, partners who can only see content prepared for you.

Discover more features of hiveQ

Organize trainings

Making complex training simple


Social Media Features


Integrated with one click


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